Board Management Functions for Intel/Dialogic Telephony line cards.
This Base Class handles all board management
functions. Any action which takes place which
uniformly affects all lines and events on those
lines is handled here.
Note that two classes are contained withing this one.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:29
- Author:
- Green Lizard Staff
- Version:
- 1.01
Entity | Type | Scope | Short Description |
~CDialogicBoards | destructor | public | The deconstructor will also delete the CMutex
Since the Mutex is part of the construction sequence,
it is automatically deleted when the encapsulating
class is deleted.
CDialogicBoards | constructor | public | automatically generated |
CDialogicBoards | constructor | public | Simple Constructor to invoke CMutex default Constructor
We use a constructor only for the sake of invoking the
default constructor on the CMutex object which is a
CallNumber | attribute | public | undocumented |
Channel | class | public | The Basic line information.
Device | class | public | Used for storing Device Information.
DisableTone | method | public | Disable custon tone detection tables
Dti | attribute | public | Used for storing information about DTI reources, including count.
EnableTone | method | public | Enable custom tone detection tables
hLogFile | attribute | public | undocumented |
LineData | class | public | A Simple class for Storeing whether a line is available.
Log | method | public | Send a Log Message.
m_Channels | attribute | public | An array of "Channel" structures, one for each line, dynamically allocated
m_Control | attribute | public | Used for calline back to the control to get its window handle for sending messages.
m_GlobalCallStarted | attribute | public | Whether or not Global Call has been started.
m_LineDatabase | attribute | public | An array of "LineData" structures, one per line, for reserving lines.
m_MaxChannels | attribute | public | The number of lines on all boards summed up.
m_MaxFaxChannels | attribute | public | The Number of Fax DSP's on the board
m_MaxVoiceDtiChannels | attribute | public | The Number of Digital Voice DSP's on the board
m_mutex | attribute | public | Used to synchronize access to the Line Available information.
NumberOfCalls | attribute | public | undocumented |
OpenDevice | method | public | A Helper Function for Setup.
OpenDeviceISDN | method | public | A Helper Function for Setup.
OpenDeviceT1 | method | public | A Helper Function for Setup.
OpenDeviceT1Fax | method | public | Open a Fax Resource
OpenDeviceT1FaxChannel | method | public | Open a Fax Channel
operator = | operator | public | automatically generated |
print_GC_error | method | public | Print a Global Call Error.
ReleaseLine | method | public | Release a specific Line.
ReserveAnyLine | method | public | Reserve a line, without caring which one is received.
ReserveLine | method | public | Reserve a specific line for use.
Route_N1_F1 | method | public | Network/Fax Routing Function
Setup | method | public | Setup the Dialogic Board.
TearDown | method | public | Tear Down the Dialogic Setup.
Unroute_N1_F1 | method | public | Network/Fax Unrouting Function
Vox | attribute | public | Used for storing the VOX device count and other information.
destructor ~CDialogicBoards | ? ^
> |
The deconstructor will also delete the CMutex
Since the Mutex is part of the construction sequence,
it is automatically deleted when the encapsulating
class is deleted.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:80
- Code:
public ~ CDialogicBoards ( ) |
constructor CDialogicBoards | ? ^
< > |
automatically generated
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h
- Code:
public CDialogicBoards ( | const CDialogicBoards & ) |
constructor CDialogicBoards | ? ^
< > |
Simple Constructor to invoke CMutex default Constructor
We use a constructor only for the sake of invoking the
default constructor on the CMutex object which is a
We need this object to synchronize access to the
line available list between the application thread and
our own thread.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:71
- Code:
public CDialogicBoards ( | ) |
attribute CallNumber | ? ^
< > |
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:35
- Code:
- public int CallNumber
The Basic line information.
This class stores all of the device handles, and other information we need for a single line.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:228
- Author:
- Green Lizard Staff
- Version:
- 1.01
- Code:
- public class Channel
Used for storing Device Information.
Store the board counts for the different types of resources.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:213
- Author:
- Green Lizard Staff
- Version:
- 1.01
- Code:
- public class Device
method DisableTone | ? ^
< > |
Disable custon tone detection tables
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:180
- Code:
public void DisableTone ( | Channel * pline ) |
Used for storing information about DTI reources, including count.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:415
- Code:
- public Device Dti
Enable custom tone detection tables
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:177
- Code:
public void EnableTone ( | Channel * pline ) |
attribute hLogFile | ? ^
< > |
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:36
- Code:
- public int hLogFile
A Simple class for Storeing whether a line is available.
Access to this information is process/thread safe for read and write.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:200
- Author:
- Green Lizard Staff
- Version:
- 1.01
- Code:
- public class LineData
Send a Log Message.
A Helper function to centralize the peculiar code we use
to jump between Micro$oft thread apartments.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:141
- Code:
public void Log ( | int Level , |
| int LineNumber , |
| LPCSTR Message ) |
attribute m_Channels | ? ^
< > |
An array of "Channel" structures, one for each line, dynamically allocated
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:409
- Code:
- public Channel * m_Channels
attribute m_Control | ? ^
< > |
Used for calline back to the control to get its window handle for sending messages.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:45
- Code:
- public void * m_Control
attribute m_GlobalCallStarted | ? ^
< > |
Whether or not Global Call has been started.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:48
- Code:
- public bool m_GlobalCallStarted
attribute m_LineDatabase | ? ^
< > |
An array of "LineData" structures, one per line, for reserving lines.
Process/Thread Safe access.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:418
- Code:
- public LineData * m_LineDatabase
attribute m_MaxChannels | ? ^
< > |
The number of lines on all boards summed up.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:51
- Code:
- public int m_MaxChannels
attribute m_MaxFaxChannels | ? ^
< > |
The Number of Fax DSP's on the board
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:57
- Code:
- public int m_MaxFaxChannels
attribute m_MaxVoiceDtiChannels | ? ^
< > |
The Number of Digital Voice DSP's on the board
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:54
- Code:
- public int m_MaxVoiceDtiChannels
Used to synchronize access to the Line Available information.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:60
- Code:
- public CMutex m_mutex
attribute NumberOfCalls | ? ^
< > |
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:34
- Code:
- public const int NumberOfCalls
A Helper Function for Setup.
This function handles the initialization which must be done for
each channel on the board before any one channel can be used.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:101
- Code:
public void OpenDevice ( | int index , |
| char * protocol ) |
method OpenDeviceISDN | ? ^
< > |
A Helper Function for Setup.
This function handles the initialization which must be done for
each channel on an ISDN board before any one channel can be used.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:117
- Code:
public bool OpenDeviceISDN ( | int index ) |
method OpenDeviceT1 | ? ^
< > |
A Helper Function for Setup.
This function handles the initialization which must be done for
each channel on a T1 board before any one channel can be used.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:109
- Code:
public bool OpenDeviceT1 ( | int index ) |
method OpenDeviceT1Fax | ? ^
< > |
Open a Fax Resource
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:189
- Code:
public void OpenDeviceT1Fax ( | int faxchannels ) |
method OpenDeviceT1FaxChannel | ? ^
< > |
Open a Fax Channel
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:192
- Code:
public void OpenDeviceT1FaxChannel ( | int faxchannel ) |
automatically generated
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h
- Code:
public CDialogicBoards & operator = ( | const CDialogicBoards & ) |
method print_GC_error | ? ^
< > |
Print a Global Call Error.
A Helper Function to get the textual information available
from the Dialogic driver if a problem arises, for logging.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:133
- Code:
public void print_GC_error ( | int index , |
| char * msg ) |
method ReleaseLine | ? ^
< > |
Release a specific Line.
We call this when we know a line is clear, or when a call has definitely terminated.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:174
- Code:
public BOOL ReleaseLine ( | int LineNumber ) |
method ReserveAnyLine | ? ^
< > |
Reserve a line, without caring which one is received.
This function is usefull when a workload is to be accomplished,
but there is no need to choose which lines the work is done. The
return is the actual line used. Using this approach, the application
does not need to maintain information about which lines are available.
Please note, there are not presently any exposed methods which can take advantage
of this design!
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:154
- Code:
public int ReserveAnyLine ( | void ) |
method ReserveLine | ? ^
< > |
Reserve a specific line for use.
This is called by VoxCall to reserve a Line for a call. All lines start
out blocked for a few seconds while the Dialogic board tests to be sure
the T1 connections are good. Then unblocked events are sent to the application
for each line that is good, and we call "ReleaseLine" for each of these events.
This implies that there is a period between when "Start" is called and when
"ReserveLine" will succeed: this period ends when the UNBLOCKED message is
sent to the application.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:167
- Code:
public BOOL ReserveLine ( | int LineNumber ) |
method Route_N1_F1 | ? ^
< > |
Network/Fax Routing Function
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:183
- Code:
public void Route_N1_F1 ( | int netindex , |
| int faxchannel ) |
Setup the Dialogic Board.
This is done manually so that the application may get a channel
count, and then initialize any structure it may require, before
Dialogic events start arriving. As soon as the board(s) are set
up, at the very least, "UNBLOCKED" messages mayh begin to arrive
before any functions are called.
The number of lines is probed for and set in this function.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:93
- Code:
public bool Setup ( | void ) |
Tear Down the Dialogic Setup.
The complement to "Setup", this is also done manually. Calling
it more than once has no harmful effect.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:125
- Code:
public bool TearDown ( | void ) |
method Unroute_N1_F1 | ? ^
< > |
Network/Fax Unrouting Function
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:186
- Code:
public void Unroute_N1_F1 ( | int netindex , |
| int faxchannel ) |
Used for storing the VOX device count and other information.
- Source:
- DialogicBoards.h:412
- Code:
- public Device Vox
Created Sun May 14 08:06:43 2006.
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